Who hit the hen with the gun? Lop off the twig. Do not let the cub dip his leg in the cup. Tan, tap, ten, the, thy, tin, tip, too, top, try, tub, tug, twig, two, van, vat, wag, wa s, wax, way, web, wed, wen, wet, were, who, wig, win, wi th, yam, yes, yet, yon, you.

Rag, ram, ran, rat, red, rib, rid, rig, rim, rip, rob, rod, rot, rub, rug, rub, rum, rut, sad, sag, sap, saw, sat, sea, see, set, ship, shy, sin, sip, sit, sky, sly, sob, sod, sop, sot, sum, sun, sup.ĩ. Our, out, pad, pan, pat, peg, pen, pet, pig, pin pit, pod, pop, pot, pry, pun, put.Ĩ. Nag, nap, net, nib, nip, not, nut, off, one, Kid, kin, kit, lag, lad, lap, leg, let, lid, lip, lit, log, lop, lot, lug, mad, man, map, mat, may, met, mid, mix, mob, mop, mud, mug.ħ. Hen, her, hid, him, hip, hi s, hat, hod, hog, hop, hot, how, hub, hug, hum, hut, ice, ink, its, jag, jet, jib, jig, job, jog, jot, jug, jut, keg.Ħ. Fen, fib, fig, fin, fit, fix, fly, fog, fop, for, fox, fry, fun, gag, gap, gas, gem, get, gig, gin, got, gum, gun, had, hag, ham, hat, hem.ĥ.

Cod, con, cot, cow, cry, cub, cup, cut, cur, den, did, dig, dim, din, dip, dog, dot, dry, dug, dun, eat, egg, end, fan, far, fat, fed.Ĥ. And, arm, art, are, ape, ask, all, bad, bag, bar, bat, bed, beg, bet, bid, big, bit, bob, bog, boy, bud, bug, bun, but, cab, cap, can, cat, car.ģ. AM, an, a s, at, ax, be, by, do, go, he, ho, if, in, i s, it, lo, me, my, no, of, on, or, ox, she, so, to, up, us, we, ye.Ģ.